Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sneak Attack!!! (2/26/15)

When facing one of her adversaries, Emily employs a wide range of tactics to gain the upper hand. None is more effect than the "Sneak Attack!!!" First, she picks her spot carefully, far from watchful eyes. Then, in perfect still ness and silence, she waits patiently for her prey to emerge. Once she has her eyes on it she steadies preparing for her initial strike. She tenses mer muscles, lifts her body ready to spring and then...

BLAMO!!! She is upon her unsuspecting opponent with "the fury of a thousand knives" (which is what she calls her front paws). After the initial strike is accomplished, she further eviscerates her victim with the rest of her martial skills. Being a paragon of feline beauty, she does all of this with a fluidity and grace of movement befitting her stately nature. As always, the "Sneak Attack!!!" is a movement best appreciated in slow motion. Special thanks to The Rainbow Snake for appearing again in this blog.*

*You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get an armless serpent to sign a release form. "Oooooh, I have no hands, how am I going to hold the pen." "Ooooh, I don't know if this post portrays me in the most flattering light." "Oooooh, if I'm going to sign this you have to refer to me at all times as her arch nemesis, not just her nemesis." and on and on. How The Rainbow Snake can gab. No wonder Emily has chosen it as her arch nemesis.

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