Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mad Men Countdown 2: Joan Holloway (5/14/15)

Mad Men is a show know for its deliberate pacing and slow building seasons. As someone who also likes to take things slow, Emily is a big fan. She has been an avid Mad Men viewer since she first found the series, and the countdown to its finale is not going to be easy. To help distract from the fact that in just five days the last ever new Mad Men episode will air, Emily has decided to celebrate a truncated Mad Men Week, impersonating characters from the now-iconic series.

Countdown 1: Peggy Olson

Emily is a savvy dresser, looks great in fur, and knows how to captivate a room just by entering. These are traits she shares with the unflappable office-manager-turned-partner, Joan Holloway (briefly, Harris). For the second day of the Mad Men Finale Countdown here on My Slow Mo Cat, Emily takes on the guise of Joan. Joan is great at her job and a master of interpersonal dynamics (part of what makes her great at her job). If you need to know how to best handle an annoying co-worker, or the perfect place for a delicious semi-formal dinner in the city, Joan is your lady. Confident, judgmental, set in her ways, with a biting tongue, obvious wit, and oodles of self-assurance, Joan is a force to be reckoned with. All that, and she plays the accordion too!

Emily prepares for a night on the town a la Joan Holloway:

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