Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sleepiest Slow Mo Cat (5/9/15)

Weekends are a great time to rest. Emily verges on the territory of "professional rester." She can sleep almost anywhere, though soft and fluffy places are vastly preferred. She can also rest at anytime of the day or night. Emily has been discovered sleeping on chairs at midday, on couches in the middle of the night, and in boxes in the evening. Emily claims not to need any beauty rest making statements like, "I was born this perfect" or "I don't ned to rest to be beautiful, I need to rest so I can be awake later" or "I only sleep when I'm tired, what do you mean beauty rest do you think I'm not already the most beautiful!?!" She has many thoughts on the matter. And it is true, her rest is more about taking some well deserved time for herself after busy stretches of time engaging in energetic feline activities such as "Chasing The Rainbow Snake" or "Running Places." ON the weekends, however, her duties are not as intense and Emily has more time to rest and relax.

When Emily lays her head down, it is serious business. She will often wrap a foot around her face, or her tail around her entire body to ensure that no warmth can escape. She will also almost always find the softest, coziest, warmest spot she can; even if this means curling up in the place certain humans were just sitting. Mischief and careful planning go into every nap time adventure. Today, Emily is a Sleepy Slow Mo Cat!

Sleepy Lady:

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