Saturday, March 14, 2015

Emily vs. The Rainbow Snake aka The Victory at High Noon (3/14/15)

Emily and her nemesis meet often. Sometimes, though, their battles are a little more epic than usual. Such was the case earlier today when they found themselves facing off against each other, unexpectedly, in a skermish that is already being referred t by military scholars as The Victory at High Noon. I give you one guess who came out on top.

The hard floors and the element of surprise initially gave The Rainbow Snake the upper hand. It slithered stealthily past Emily almost unnoticed. As soon as its nefarious movements caught her eye, with a shake of her head, she began tracking it. On its second pass, she took to the air, all four paws momentarily elevated as she Power Pounced. Landing commandingly on The Rainbow snake, she claimed another fitting victory.

But what was her inspiration (other than fighting evil) you might ask? Excellent question. Her inspiration, in this instance, was her "pump up song," "Bad Girls" by K-Pop sensation, Lee Hyori. Not just any version though, an ultra tough live version pulsating with all of the ruthless energy or her tiny feline frame. For the first time here at My Slow Mo Cat, we have included music with today's video. So you can come as close to being inside Emily's head as possible we have included the soundtrack to her triumph for your viewing pleasure.

The Victory at High Noon:

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