Monday, March 23, 2015

Back to Bed aka Sleepy Slow Mo Cat (3/23/15)

There are days when you wake rested, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. There are other days when you don't want to get out from under the covers. Emily is having one of the latter. Upon waking and finding that SNOW had covered the ground during the night and that the cold of winter had intruded upon spring's verdant domain, Emily decided that there was only one thing to do: go back to sleep.

Staring into the bright wintery light, she lowers herself back onto her paws, closing her eyes to the harsh snow-enhanced morning sun. Now safely ensconced in sleep once more, she dreams of warm, far away lands. We can only guess at what mystical realms she sees, but, since I know Emily is a fan of Game of Thrones, I assume they look something like the great plains of Essos with waving grass and plenty of room for a cat to roam. Perhaps in these visions, she is a Khaleesi, commanding her hoard, ruling with an iron will and a fair hand. Yes, she is a dream-queen, a dragonrider, a ruler of all the warm places that, for today at least, seem so far away.

Full video of her return to slumbers:

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