Saturday, March 7, 2015

"The Full-Tongue-Extension-Side-Executive-Cleaning-Maneauver" aka Saturday Cleaning (3/7/15)

When the weekend rolls around, many of us take the opportunity to rest, relax, and recharge for the coming week. Emily does no such thing. A veritable fire-being of success and personal drive, she not only engages in all of her regular weekday activities -- running at odd hours, jumping on things, looking at things, eating, napping, posing for photos, drinking water out of the tub when no one is looking, trying to get into closets, wondering what closets are, etc. -- but also finds time to do something extra: cleaning. This impeccably groomed kitty takes some extra time out of her already packed schedule (see above) to clean herself with even more care than usual. Weekday groomings are, by necessity, cursory affairs. When there is always something else to get to, who has the time to do a full grooming? No one, that's who. So, when Saturday (aka Caturday) rolls around, Emily's first order of business is a full cleaning. Here, captured for the first time in slow motion, is her technique for cleaning her side: "The Full-Tongue-Extension-Side-Executive-Cleaning-Maneuver."

Emily extends her tongue to its full length, flips it downwards so that it can connect with her fur at the proper angle to both clean and shape the fur. She the repeats "The Full-Tongue-Extension-Side-Executive-Cleaning-Maneuver" but pauses ever so slightly so that she can strike with surgical precision. The last pockets of grime and riffled fur are no match for her abilities. With this task accomplished the world is her oyster, and her silken locks are ready for a glamour shot.

The Full-Tongue-Extension-Side-Executive-Cleaning-Maneuver:

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