Thursday, March 12, 2015

Best. Kitty. Yawn. Ever. (3/12/15)

We have covered yawns here before. From The Yawn, to #SideYawn, to The Yawn of Disapproval, My Slow Mo Cat has been your source for cutting edge, breaking Cat Yawn Coverage. However, today we bring you something truly special. Captured for the first time in its complete and awe inspiring glory, it is, The Best Kitty Yawn Ever. Yes, this is it. The yawn to end all yawns. If this was Lord of the Rings it would be the One Yawn to Rule Them All. If it was Harry Potter, it would be the Yawn who Lived (or maybe the Chosen Yawn? The Elder Yawn?). If this was dinosaurs, this would be Sue: The Largest Most Complete Yawn.

As a result of this exclusive footage, we can disclose for the first time, the stages of the ideal kitty yawn.

1. Preparation. Where it all begins. Emily is awakened by a noise in the other room and must ger herself ready to face whatever may come. There is no better way to do that than a good old fashioned yawn.

2. Mouth Opening. First just a little bit and then more and more until it is at full, terrifying stretch displaying her impressive canines to any who might want to "start something" or "mess with her kitty s***."

3. Whiskers Forward. With her mouth fully open, there is basically nowhere else for them to go. She thrusts them forward at full stretch getting the most out of the yawn that she can. This kind of commitment means that she is getting more facial muscle stretching out of her yawn, always a plus.

4. Ears Back. To really work in the top of her head, Emily includes ear movements in her yawn. As she thrusts her face forward, mouth open, whiskers whiskering, she also plants her ears firmly back against her head. This loosens the ear muscle base and will give her greater range of motion later in the day.

5. Eyebrows. For some unknown reason the muscles that are underneath of where her eyebrows would be if she had them (well, I guess those whiskers up there count as eyebrows, right? I mean, they look like eyebrows, but I am not sure if that is what I am supposed to call them. Is there a name for those things? Like, an official scientific name? Let me know.) start to wiggle at this point. Then they move up to try and meet her ears. They don't get there, but boy do they try.

6. Finish. With a full head stretch complete, Emily returns to the position she occupied when this whole majestic interlude began. Her gaping maw closes, her ears perk back up and her eyebrows/eyebrow muscles return to their normal areas.

7. Lip Licking. No good yawn is complete without it. I mean, how else are you going to know for sure that the yawn is over?

Complete Slow Mo Video of the Best Kitty Yawn Ever:

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