Friday, March 20, 2015

Fast Friday 5: Speed Snuggles (3/20/15)

Emily has already demonstrated that she is a snuggle master. Today, for the latest edition of Fast Friday, she busts out her rarely seen talent for Speed Snuggles. A feat best performed when maximum relaxation must be achieved in the minimum amount of time, the Speed Snuggle is the counterintuitive ability to, through sheer force of will alone, compress snuggling time without losing any snuggle quality. Emily is to this feat what the fictional Pied Piper app from Silicon Valley (returning to HBO April 12, or should I say, soon to be overshadowed on April 12th by the 5th SEASON PREMIER OF GAME OF THRONES!!!) is to the compression of data. She. Is. The. Best. Her Weissman score for snuggles is like 7.9 or something.

As today's video shows, Emily knows how to mix together all of the man components of a snuggle session: light cleaning, rubbing, unching, grasping with claws, rolling, jumping on and off things, and being perfect. With time of the essence, she quickly whips up a souffle of snuggles taking only what she needs of the various ingredients leaving none wasted. With her mission accomplished she goes on about her day, rested, relaxed, and ready for the next adventure.

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