1. Running around the house for no particular reason.
Notes: Gets the blood going, but is ultimately tiring and does not distract from the fact it is Monday. Not worth it/uninteresting.
2. Sitting alertly and watching ghost bugs on the wall.
Notes: Highly amusing. I am entertained both by the activity itself and by the consternation it causes any humans who witness me at it. The are all like, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT" "Your eyes are so big and pretty." or "Is there a bug on the wall!?!" Of course there isn't, I'm just looking around like there is. Jeez. Well, it's fun, but it does not take the sting out of Monday.
3. Lying around.
Notes: I do this everyday. It's great. I love it. Not gonna cure my case of the Mondays. But then again, I don't know why I think I am the one best qualified to deal with this. What am I a doctor of days? Why can't someone else deal with this. I want to nap.
4. Jumping on tables.
Notes: Again, fun, but I do this every day. Not going to help.
5. Special Sleep Action
Notes. Boom! Nailed it! After months of careful investigation and experimentation I have stumbled upon something truly special. Something that will revolutionize my Mondays and hopefully make life on EARTH better. I call it "The-Shaky-Leg-Stretch-and-Curl" First you curl up in a ball with your feet flat against the top of your head. I don't care if you "aren't that bendy" because you are "human" or whatever, DO IT! Then you stick your legs out, like, straight out, like, UGH why are you so bad at this!?! Just, *sigh* okay watch me do it. So you stick your legs straight out and then shake them. Just totally wild and weird and shaky. Then take your arm. Wrap it around your head. JUST WATCH ME DO IT, YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN'T OR DON'T WANT TO OR SOMETHING SO JUST STOP TRYING AND WATCH! Okay. Where was I? Right, so you wrap your arm around your head, like, all the way around it, and then curl your head under it and put it by your legs which are now back to being totally straight out and then you just go to sleep. Yeesh, was that so hard?
Full video of "The-Shaky-Leg-Stretch-and-Curl" in Slow Mo:
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