Monday, March 2, 2015

Tailmageddon: An Inter(c)ational Incident (3/2/15)

As discussed in previous posts, Emily spends a great deal of her time asleep. She uses this time wisely, dreaming of victory, visualizing triumph, and generally preparing herself so she can be the best version of a cat possible during her waking hours. Today, however, while Emily slumbered, her tail had other ideas. You will notice in the exclusive slow motion video footage captured by our reporter on the ground in Sleeplandia, that while Emily remains entirely still with her eyes firmly shut, her tail raises to the heavens and descends next to her. After a brief lull, it happens again. We do not yet know what the impetus for these movements was, or what their impact will be on Emily-Tail relations. Emily has not issued a statement on the incident. When asked for comment at the time she elicited only a kitty-grunt of mild annoyance at having her sleep interrupted. The tail, for its part, could not issue a statement but this was only because, as sources close to the tail stated, it "does not have a mouth." We will, of course, be keeping close tabs on this slowly developing story and have more bulletins as events warrant.

The Incident:

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