Saturday, April 18, 2015

Khaleesi/Danerys Targaryen (4/18/15)

It's the seventh (and final) day of Game of Thrones week here on My Slow Mo Cat! Every day this week, in honor of the premier of the 5th season of Game of Thrones, Emily (aka the Slow Mo Cat) is impersonating a different Game of Thrones character.

Day 1: Drogon
Day 2: Jamie Lannister aka The Kingslayer
Day 3: Tyrion Lannister
Day 4: Grand Maester Pycelle
Day 5: Arya Stark
Day 6: A White Walker
Day 7: Khaleesi/Danerys Targaryen

Was there any other way this week could end? Emily, though she did spot on impersonations of the other six Game of Thrones characters, ends this week with the one nearest to herself: The Mother of Dragons herself, Danerys Targaryen. Regal and stately with a burning intensity to her, and a will to change the world for the better, Emily and Dany have much in common. Rather than recreate a specific scene as she did with the other characters, Emily chose to simply embody the grace and danger that Dany projects. When looking at Emily sitting on the couch/Iron Throne, one can easily imagine that dragons swirl about her head while a horde of Unsullied await her command. A fitting finale to Game of Thrones week!!!

Emily is Danerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons!

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